Thursday, May 21, 2009

Twitter This...

In honor of the web site Twitter, I am going to save myself some time and make my blog shorter. Also, based on the what I read from Ad Ages Abbey Klaassen, I have reason to express my concern over the recent trend by publishers to "hop on board" the "Twitter express".
Ms Klaasseen wrote, "Over the past few weeks we've seen countless stories about the "Oprah effect" on Twitter -- TechCrunch suggested more than one million people signed up and many a blog linked to Hitwise data that suggested the talk-show doyenne's endorsement of the service led to a 43% spike in Twitter traffic. While those numbers are important, the breathless reports have not accounted for what people do after they sign up for a Twitter account. Creating a Twitter account doesn't equal becoming an uber-user, or even a casual user, of the micro-blogging site. Nielsen Online data released today suggest more than 60% of people who sign up for Twitter abandon the service." I would suggest that this research is right and that unless you have a purpose to "tweet", you may want to use the extra "tweeting" time to give your wife a kiss, donate to charity or do your job. There is a real reason to use Twitter as a magazine editor or to assign a writer to "tweet" on a regular basis. The service is an excellent way to keep your followers informed on a topic close to your magazine. For example, you are a writer that covers rock and roll. There is a national band in town. You announce the upcoming concert, share your experiences at the show and then report on the show. This is a great way to use the service. But, please spare us the details of your latest disaster at Subway or that you fell down a flight of stairs due to the rain. We'll, on second thought, the fall down the stairs might be good for a laugh.

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