Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Facebook Pricing Gone Wild

Pricing your sponsored tweets on Facebook is an active and moving target.  The first step is to understand that the number of “likes” you have has become an irrelevant way to price your sponsored posts.  Yes, you did hear me use this number in the past to set prices.  Like I said, pricing your sponsored tweets on Facebook is an active and moving target.  Today, most of my ad sales training clients are using a solid metric that I have observed working very well in markets across the nation.

Bring in 50 New Advertisers

I am often asked about tools for prospecting.  As you all know, having a process, any process, is better than no process at all.  This 100% applies to prospecting for new advertisers.  To that end, I spend an entire day on location in ad sales training teaching my prospecting idea called the “Big 50 Prospect Plan”.

Team Call Zones Drive Sales

Looking for a way to drive sales over the next 48 hours?  Team Call Zones might be the answer. Recently a client shared with me that their sales reps lacked focus and seemed to wander around all day.   I immediately asked about daily call volume tracking and client tracking in their CRM tool. (CRM stands for customer relations management software.)  These tools where not in place and would not be in place for several weeks even if the ad sales manager liked the idea.  I shared with them an idea that I have seen work in markets big and small.  It has also worked in consumer and B2B markets.   Team Call Zones are specific times of the day where sales reps call new prospects or old clients for 35 minutes non-stop.  They are allowed 2 minutes between calls to research the next call.  The entire team must participate even the “super-star” sales reps.  After 35 minutes, the group takes a break together and grabs coffee or just takes a break away from their desk.  The break is mandatory.