Thursday, October 06, 2011

3 e-Newsletter Revenue Ideas

There is big money to be made in the eNewsletter space yet so many publishers focus on one simple eNewsletter that is editorial driven. While that is fine and should be sold, there are so many more ideas to drive revenue from eNewsletters.  
Product Specific eNewsletters. Create a monthly product sector specific eNewsletter that reaches your niche. This is not driven or even created by your editorial team. For example an eNewsletter all about saddles or boats. Get specific. Then, create 6-8 slots for advertisers to fit into these slots. In the B2b space focus on industry specific topics like legal, technology or professional services.

Create a monthly topics eNewsletter. Each month a B2b pub I work with has a legal update and technology update. Each update contains a nice tight paragraph of information specific to their readers and prepared by an advertiser/expert. See very often your advertisers are some of your best experts. They get a mention and an ad at the bottom. Sell this out fast. Line up your experts. Set a template and make the abide by that template. They MUST follow your rules or they loose the privilege.

Video eNewsletters. Are you tired of text? Many users are too. So, record three videos and include links and descriptions in your eNewsletters.

Keep these simple and often interview an advertiser. Two reasons why:
(1) Have them share how happy they are with your publication, and
(2) Have the expert answer a question sent into the publication. This serves 2 purposes.

So, with all of these ideas brewing the next question I always get is…price? The answer to this is pretty simple… know your niche. e-Lists of lawyers rent for $200 per thousand. Wine enthusiasts pay $50-$80 per thousand. Horse enthusiasts pay $40-$50 per thousand. Weigh your niche and try the price out. If no one is buying, then adjust.

Ryan Dohrn is CEO of Brain Swell Media and works each month with over 50 publishers large and small and help them make money from the internet space! Ryan offers all new members a free 30 minute consultation on any internet topic. Email to set it up and start making money.

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